Question by XxAdDiExX: What is the story on the Romanov assassination?
When the Romanov family was killed, what was the story behind it? Was there reason to the killing? Who was the daughter that may have escaped, and now is possibly living somewhere else in Europe?
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Answer by Lilitu
The czar had resigned in the first russian revolution in 1917 (march) during the 2nd revolution in 1917 (ocotber revolution) the communists took power. A civil war broke out. The red army against the white army. The whites partly supported the czar, partly wanted to simply have a republic.
The czar was moved from st. petersburg to jekaterinburg in 1918 by the communists. The reason for that is it was more secure no to keep him shut away on the countryside and not in the capital (he was a prisoner even before).
After a few weeks in Jekaterinburg the Czar and his family were brought to the cellar of the house they were kept in under the guise of attack (to protect them). There the massacre took place. And it was a massacre. I have only recently seen a picture of the room after the bodies were removed. Large junks of the carpeting were torn down and it was the princesses were stabbed with bajonets because the bullets did not go through their corsages.
It is unclear if the murder was ordered or was a minute to minute desition by the local party leaders. The whites had indeed a bit of luck in the war at the time the murders took place, but were far away from Jekaterinburg.
All of the daughters died. All claims of woman to be Anastasia have been proven wrong. Most were to young (Anastasia like her sister was almost an adult when sie died) and other failed the DNA tests and did not recognize fafourite toys,…
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