Question by Jake Buffett: What kind of job should I get to complement my studies in Russian?
I’m currently working at a joint with a bunch of South Americans who are always speaking spanish. This is a problem because I want to really concentrate on my Russian studies to eventually gain fluency, and the spanish i hear all day messes me up a little. I want a part time job 30-40hrs that will complement my studies, not hinder them. What can I do?
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Answer by Donald B
Work in a Russian restaurant.
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Gini Addams says
It depends on where you are located. Are there Russian-speaking people around you? Ideally, you could help out in a retirement place where a lot of Russian seniors live – they don't speak any English and would spend their time helping you master your language skills. If there are Russian stores or businesses in your area, try to get a job there. Alternatively, get a lot of Russian cartoons (youtube) or rent Russian movies and just listen in, submerge yourself. YOu will get a lot of passive vocabulary this way. Another thing to do is to get a pen pal from Russia 🙂 But an ideal way to learn a language is to get a GF or BF who speaks Russian as a native language – works like a charm!