Question by prekinpdx: What kind of caviar can I substitute for beluga caviar?
I’m making a Thomas Keller dish that calls for beluga caviar. I don’t believe one can buy this in the US due to an import ban. Is there a type of caviar that comes close to the flavor of beluga? Is it not too expensive and widely available? Thanks!
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Answer by Robalo Rafter
You can buy beluga caviar in the US, but most of it is via internet mail.
But you can substitute, white sturgeon.
I’m sending you a wed site that has beluga..
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I like the the poor man Caviar tuna on a ritz
massimo l says
You can try with egg of sturgeon.Very cheap,very sweet smelling.
Costas says
i do not thing that you can find a good substitute for these.
there are many types of black caviar(other egg fish) in markets but is not taste so good.
if the recipe is match with salmon,try to use salmon eggs(brick) taste good!