Question by Bookworm101: What language do they speak in Siberia?
I am writing a book about siberia. I need to know what language they speak. Also I would like to learn some of it. Thanks!
I am writing a book, where the people are going to siberia. I just need to learn some facts.
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Answer by Emasculated Britain
Try Russian
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Rzysztof S says
I have a book on SIberia from a Liblrary.
And they speak of coruse Russian, but they are many "Native "people too.
Moslty Asians.
For example Sakha people.
in Yakutsk.
They speak a language from Turkic Group (similar to Turkish).
There are really plenty of auttonomous regions, and Native peopel.
Dani G says
The vast majority speak only Russian, as that is the official language like everywhere else in Russia.
There are also some Ukrainian, German, Mongol, Korean, and Chinese speakers.
Amby says
amunet says
It's not listed on the Left but hit "cntrl" "F" and type siberia in the find thing that comes up and it will show you the ones going with it.
much chaos says
It depends on the population. over all they speak many different languages.
Liz G says
Claire says
you're writing a whole book on siberia and you don't even know what the language is? do you know where siberia is on a map?
write what you know.
Opa says
They speak Russian
Bethy S says
Russian im sure.
Green is my 2nd favo says
Danielle says
siberian! lol just kidding i dont know. try google!