Question by Aurelia: What is it about Russian Music that makes it So Russian ?
What is it about Russian Music that makes it So Russian ?
Issit the soul, and spirit or the mood ? All Russian music seem to have a particular beautiful melancholy feel towards it- ie Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Rimski Korsakov, Alexander Glazunov and Shostakovich.
Take this example of the Ballet Raymonda by Glazunov:-
The first piece seems like a love dream, cantabile and graceful.
The second piece has that same Russian flavour, dark , melancholy, expressive.
The third piece- has that Russian feel again and I can hear this music originally composed for a balailaka.
Other examples are Traditional Anonymous music like Dark Eyes and the Russian Balailaka, and the Rachmaninov piano concerto no 3.
Although I feel that Shostakovich’s piano music ( preludes and fugues ) have a typical character and feel to it- like a polka or ballet barre work exercise.
Their Ballet music is typical of the Russian melancholy melodies.
Is it the chord progression or their soul, expression and spirit ?
What do you think ?
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