Question by rice: What path did Stalin take to power and what was Stalins style of leadership?
Stalin took one path to power, and there were some differences in Stalins style of leadership then the other countries.
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Answer by romanov1918
Stalin’s rise to power was a combination of his ability to manipulate situations and the failure of others to prevent him from taking power, especially Leon Trotsky. Trotsky did
not take advantage of several opportunities in which would have helped him to eliminate Stalin politically. When he failed to take advantage of these opportunities, Stalin schemed himself into a stronger position within the party by allying with Zinoviev and Kamnev. He manipulated them into shattering Trotsky, thus eliminating the strongest opponent in his path to power.
His leadership style can be described as excessive, compulsive and extreme. Certainly, the revolution did bring hard times. Most revolutions do. However, instead of improving things for the Soviet Union, as his rule should have done, he brought upon harsher times for the Russian people
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