Question by Howard: How do you pronounce the russian word for “beloved” ?
I am writing a story and I would like to know what the english word for beloved looks ike in english. Kind of like how “tovarisch” becomes “comrade” for us or “grandmother” becomes “babushka”. The cyrillic doesn’t help because I can read the language. If it helps it will be used by a female referring to her male love interest as “beloved” . All of the websites have zero help. Thanks
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Answer by R T Fischall
любимая (feminine at least one suspects its a male writing about a female) Anyway one will digress it follows down to для моей любимой
from the 3rd gen particaple which doesn’t help much, yes i know one is being pedanitic, to pronouce the words you have to roll the tongue on the acryllic P which dentoes R, so its an-ar, mo-em no-mmon.
Answer by susan
Moi lubimi’
Moi vozlublenni’
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Zoya says
for F= lyubimaya or vozlyublennaya = любимая, возлюбленная
for M= lyubimiy or vozlyublenniy = любимый, возлюбленный