Question by emando16: What should we do to stop hateful tragedies all over the world, specifically the neo-nazi’s in russia?
How can we help fight what is happening now in neo-nazi Russia against immigrants?
And how can we keep things like this from happening in the future?
Is it through empathy? What are your ideas?
Thanks :]
Also- this is happening in many other countries- how can we keep this from happening in America, where there is already an immigrant debate?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Joe P
Nothing… thats none of our business… the constitution specfically told us not to get involved with affairs with other nations… now obviously the politicans in washington use the constitution as there toilet paper… however the american people should at least know it and respect it….
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David says
Wow, "Angrycat" really has an appropriate name. Anyway, he or she made some good points.
For what it's worth, my experience has taught me that I have no control over any human other than myself. That fact has been brought home to me several times.
Therefore it all starts with me. I can make sure I myself am not part of the problem. I can do this by setting a proper example.
This problem will not be solved any time soon. That is simple reality, but we can each make sure we are not part of the problem.
AngryCat says
OMG! Have you ever been to Russia? Is your knowledge limited to the web English-speaking articles. I bet, it is.
Do you have any ideas how many nations live there pretty peacefully? There more then 100 different nations in Russia. Personaly, I'm Russian but have three other nations roots (two of them aren't even "white"). Do you think it's possible in a totally racist country?
And yes some people are against ILLEGAL immigrants just like they do in the USA. May be you should start with your own country? Visit "Cultures and Groups" section and tell me that there are no racists in the USA.
Phew, I really think you should first racism in your homeland and then start to teach others.
Lourie8 says
The only real way to deal with all tragedies is to forgive and bless.