Question by jay-jay: What student protest was Vladimir Lenin involved in?
And what was it about? And why was he banished from the university?
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Answer by Slava T
Lenin entered Kazan University the same year (1887) when his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participation in the plot to kill the Tsar Alexander III. The arrest and execution of Lenin’s bother revolutionary group caused a wave of student protests in all major Russian Universities in late spring 1887. Lenin himself was banished from the University (just after three months in the uni) for active participation in the student protest (4 December 1887) caused by official campaign against “politically unreliable students” (kind of political vetting) and adoption of a new university code (statutes and regulations). Introduction of new university regulations was a direct consequence of the assassination plot investigation. The new code abolished any university autonomy from the state, introduced practice of police surveillance of politically unreliable students and imposed new restrictions for “sons of poor fathers” who wanted to enter university. The new university code was a reason for one more wave of student riots in November 1887 when 2 students got killed by the police in Moscow. Provincial Kazan university (800 km away from Moscow) was a little late to join the protests. Lenin was one of 40 students who were expelled from Kazan university in December 1887. Another group of students (including Vladimir Ardashev, Lenin’s cousin) voluntarily left university protesting against expulsion of the first group.
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