Question by Alison F: What is your favorite thing to mix with vodka?
I can drink it straight if it’s ice cold. I’ve always liked it with diet coke or tomato juice. My newest invention is vodka with Sunny Delight reduced sugar.
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Answer by lovin_temptation1
I love it with natural pineapple juice
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Anna says
Those all sound good to me. But i like to drink vodka just by its self. A cup fullll of ice =]
lolly says
cranberry juice or orange juice i can't decide.
tireboy11 says
pineapple juice, or ice tea
squeederdork says
OJ does it for me, thank you
oscar1962 says
Ricky C says
Believe it or not, sweet iced tea will make it so you can't taste the vodka!
Mopar Muscle Gal says
lemonaide ,grapefruit juice , or make a Bloody Mary with spicy tomato juice/dill pickle/large green olives stuffed with bleu cheese
zippythejessi says
Plain vodka gets pineapple juice. Flavored vodka gets club soda.
shine says
Cranberry juice cocktail and a squeeze of lime.