Question by Kevin Christensen: What type of people did Josef Stalin kill?
Josef Stalin killed 20 million people in his time of power. It was genocide, obviously. But which type of people was it? Like it wasn’t like Hitler killing the Jews, everyone knows he killed them. But Stalin isnt really known more, so what type of people did he kill?
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Answer by michael s
Stalin executed thousand and thousands of Russians they came from all religious and both poor and rich and in between he was one of humanities worst tyrants
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Go AZ says
Stalin killed people: who disagreed with him, who may have disagreed with him, who might have thought of disagreeing with him, who was married to someone who disagreed with him, who was related to someone who disagreed with him, and so on.
He believed in killing 100 innocent people rather than let one guilty/opposing person live. And just to be sure, he killed scholars, teachers, churchmen, and anyone that might have any influence in areas he wanted to dominate.
ammianus says
Anybody who disagreed with or opposed him.
Anyone he regarded as any kind of threat or obstacle – real or imagined.
Joseph says
It was everyone, from high ranking Communist party officials to lowliest peasants.
Stalin was deeply suspicious of anyone and eliminated potential rivals before they could pose a threat.
With peasants, his policy of collectivization those farmers who had more than one horse or one cow; owned a smithy, a grist mill, or a saw mill; used hired labor; or even had a metal roof on their house sent to exile or executed. This eliminated the most productive workers from the farms and caused a famine in the 1930s that killed millions. Prosecutors were handed down quotas how many people had to be arrested, and if a particular village didn't have any people who fit the above criteria, they would arrest and exile any family. And it wasn't just the head of the family subject to prosecution, but his ENTIRE family: the man's wife, parents, in-laws, children, grand-children, often his brothers or sisters and their families as well.
He had deported entire populations, like Crimean Tatars, who he thought aided Germans during the occupation in WW2. He ordered that the Soviet POWs freed from the German POW camps be sent to the Soviet prison camps for laying down their arms during the war. Many survived the POW camps only to perish in their own country's prisons.
Yes, he was an anti-semite. When he died, there preparations under way to deport the Jews from the European part of the Soviet Union to the Jewish Autonomous Region in the Eastern Siberia. If this happened, no doubt, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, would have died.
AᴻᵀᴵHᴱᴸᴰ says
Anyone who defied him, or he thought they did, or maybe they might at some point, or sometimes he would just kill people to make a impression so that nobody even thought of crossing him. They were Russians, his own countrymen, from any walk of life and any occupation. It is probably one of the worst genocide ever to occur and nobody knows about it because of the US was allied with Stalin in the second war so they do not make it out to be as bad as it is.
Amanda R says
He killed anyone who got in his way, he never had a specific type like Hitler did.
Pretty much, if you disagreed with Stalin, you were dead.