Question by Dickie: What visa to USA are available to Russian citizens?
How does a 31 years old Russian lady visit me in S.C. USA from Russia. What Visas are there and for how long , what is easist?
Answers and Views:
Answer by MadMan
She has to apply for a tourist visa, just like anyone else. If you marry her when she is in the US, you will be in trouble with USCIS as they will not believe that it is a bona fide marriage and you will have broken immigration laws by not getting a spouse visa.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Rocky says
Here you have your answer
David says
Read all about the russian bride scam on many sites
there iterests are just in ths color green
tigris says
B2 visa. Valid for up to 6 month. Tourism only. Strictly no working.
She has to show that she has sufficient ties to her home country so she is no deemed at high risk for overstaying her visa.