Question by Nadj: What variant of a ak47 is accurate and reliable?
Where can i find a ak47 that is reliable and accurate(where its made is more accurate and reliable eg. yugoslavian,russian,etc.)
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Answer by Shane
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OldD says
SAR-1 2 or 3's are good. Almost every AK is reliable althought I have heard of the WASR's are ify on the quality end. If I could buy another AK I would get another SAR or Bulgarian one.Great guns!
Barepoots says
I agree with Metropol.. You really have to think about what you consider "Accurate". There's always a constant battle between AR Fans and AK Fans. AK's are known for extreme reliability and ARs are known for Accuracy. However, if you are looking for both features in an AK Variant, you really need to consider the AK-74. It is both reliable and accurate.
The 74 is actually just as accurate as the AR but the ballistics on the 74 run faster than the AR. Plus, ammo is cheaper!
Reliable? —- Most all of them…. The only problem I ever had with any AK type rifle is the WASR… A part in the trigger assembly broke in mine one afternoon…. I hear thats a little common with those. I bought a Tapco trigger assembly from Midway and it was back in good order. My old Norincos have worked flawlessly for 20 years now…….. ACCURATE? What do you mean by accurate?? I set up a 15 inch steel plate painted white with a red dot in the center 100 yards from my shooting position and can hit it using the open iron sights on the rifle with no problem. Out of a 20 round magazine I get about 15 bullets into it…… Thats with my glasses off!….. For me thats accurate…. Remember its a military type weapon so if you can hit a man size target at 100 yards your doing good…… The best thing about shooting the plate at that distance is the look on the other folks's face at the gun club…. These guys show up with there bolt action rifles and expensive scopes and cant even get the bullet to the target…. Me – I just go bang – plink, bang – plink, bang- plink….. They come on over and ask where my target is. They hear it but dont see it…. When I point 100 yards away they are in complete disbelief I can hit it with an AK47…. Of course I have years of practice….. So I guess it depends on what you mean by accurate…. Forget using paper targets…. With a metal plate you can hear immediate results….
alvarospatchez says
I have had a lot of luck with my Mak 90. I've had it for a long time, put plenty of ammo of all types through it without a single malfunction. Accuracy with wolf 123 FMJ ammo is about MOA @ 100yds.
DJ says
Most every AK that is functioning correctly has a high degree of reliability….that's in the design. Also, most AR or "real rifle" shooters do not consider the AK accurate at all, so that's a very subjective question. But some AKs are more accurate than others.
By far the very best quality AK on the market today is made by Arsenal Bulgaria….and no surprise, they are the most expensive. That is not to say you won't find a Yugo or Romak that's good, it is just that your odds are better with the Arsenal. With the others, you can get them better if you know how to tinker around with guns and upgrade parts, etc.
Also, if you can find the actual Chinese MAK-90, it was probably the best AK semi-auto version sold in the US, but Bill Clinton put a stop to those. There are some Chinese Norincos that were not as good, but the MAK was excellent, except for the poor quality wood stocks which are easily replaced.
The selection is confusing and in some cases, it's a crapshoot. If you want to avoid that and get the best, it's Arsenal. They offer both stamped (cheaper) and milled(expensive) receivers.