Question by sheryn t: What vodka brand is the most popular & can only be obtained only in Russia?
I knw Stolichnaya & a lot of other well-known vodka brand, but which one can only be found only in Russia?
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Answer by T K
Cutchacockov Vodka.
For a great beginning to the evening, and a sudden shocking end.
What do you think? Answer below!
denis5d says
Parliament – no hang overs after this exclusive vodka.
Also Belaya Bereza – only sold in Russia.
Many others, too long to list.
Bob H says
Vodka is alcohol + water. What could possibly make any difference where it's made. They ship the alcohol in tankers, and add local water. Give it a Russian name like Smirnoff and make it in Connecticut, which they do.
Dea7h says
Hmmm, you may have heard of Kalashnikov vodka (link: ) I dont know if its experted somewhere, but Ive heard its good.
Detroit says
Golden says
Московская особая водка;