Question by jhengssulee: What was Glasnost and what did it do?
What exactly did it do? Was it a policy that lifted the heavy censorship in the Soviet at the time? Or did it have anything to do with the major economic and government reforms?
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Answer by Jim L
Supposed to mean openness but actually means publicity. One of Gorbachev’s first ploys in trying to move Soviet communism forward. In fact it gave communism a push and it started collapsing.
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Spellbound (bigreda says
Glasnost' was a policy designed to help the economic restructuring known as perestroika. Gorbachev believed that unless people were free to criticise the factories, enterprises, farms etc where they worked then they would only say what they thought the official line was. Glasnost' was not meant to spread out into a general societal criticism – but it did.
Glasnost' led to factions appearing within the Communist Party, and eventually to the collapse of the Union and the abandonment of the Communist experiment.