Question by IceWolf: What was Rasputin’s Relationship with Czarina Alexandra?
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Answer by Countessa
Tsaritsa considered him to be a man of God and a religious prophet, and Alexandra believed God spoke to her through Rasputin. Pasputin was supose to have healing powers. He was ask to the royal palace to give healing to young prince Alexei. He inherited haemophilia from his mother Alexandra, a condition which could be traced back to her maternal grandmother Queen Victoria. His haemophilia led to controversy, on the grounds that it was believed that his mother was having an affair with the Russian starets, Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin claimed to be able to ‘heal’ Alexei when he was on the brink of death after spells of haemophilia-related complications.
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me45404 says
rasputin seemed to be able to relieve Alexis's hemoplihlia. How he did this I can't say. Nicholas and Alexandra believed him to have been sent from God to protect thier son. Rasputin later used this connection to the royal family to enrich himself. He was a very immoral man, but I don't feel he had a sexaul relationship with Alexandra.
MikeInRI says
See… for an explanation of this relationship.
Good Luck!!!
LeeA says
I think that Rasputin was her 'advisor' but also her lover it all depends on which book on Russian history you choose to believe
paloma says
He was her spiritual adviser, among other things, and had a very strong influence on her and on her husband, Nicholas II (and the last.) They say, Rasputin and Alexandra also had intimate relationships.