Question by aj: What was it like for the Soviet Union under the rule of Gorbachev?
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Answer by Xamanator
He tried to ban vodka!!
Far more concerned with swanning around winning diplomatic plaudits than achieving anything at home. He neglected the military – fatal in the long run. A time of decay masquerading as progress.
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Jon Z says
It was a period of opening up in many ways, culturally, economically under perestroika and glasnost. As far as the military goes, that was the major reason why the Soviet Union fell, they spent too much money on the military, and couldn't provide simple things such as washing machines for her populace. There are some experts who believe the Russia had been in a recession for the previous 15 years due to military build up. Try reading Francis Fukuyama's End of History and the Last Man.
Keep in mind he was only in power for 5-6 years, so that's like asking what was life like in the US under Bush Sr.