Question by mEe x: Khrushchev Shoe Banging?
First of all, who is this guy? Why was he such a big impact on America? Was it because that he started the Cold War?
Second of all, what does the banging shoe represents?
These are the only questions that i can’t figure it out … Thanks for helping!!
Photo Credit: manhhai/Flickr
Answers and Views:
Answer by Fluke
Back in those days it was unheard of for politicians to behave in such a way. They were considered to be Statesmen, great Leaders elected as respected figures. Khrushchev basically threw a temper tantrum like a 5yr old in a mall, who falls to the floor and starts screaming hr wants a toy. It was shocking embarrassing behavior for a grown man to engage in, let alone a public figure. Obviously, the face of politics has changed dramatically since those days… today he’d hardly rate a raised eyebrow
Answer by sheldonlinker
Krushchov was the premier (head guy) of the Soviet Union (Russia plus Byeloruss, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, and whatever else they lost) and solidly in control of the Warsaw Pact (the opposite of NATO). He was the second most powerful man on Earth. We has afraid we were going to nuke him, and they had plans to take over the world. We were afraid that he was going to nuke us, and that he had plans to take over the world. We had nukes in airplanes in the air, in missiles in submarines all gassed up, and missiles in silos all gassed up. The other side was ready to go, too.
Now, with this situation, he starts shouting about “we will bury you!” and getting so vehement that he’s banging his shoe on the table as he’s yelling.
It gave us cause for concern.
Answer by Boyoboy0
S-s-s-h-h-h >>
Secret sweaty sock syndrome must be kept undercover at all costs:-
Answer by SERENAZ
Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War which he did not actually start.
The ‘Cold War’ was the conflict between the Communist nations led by the Soviet Union and the Democratic nations led by the United States. It was ‘fought’ by all means – propaganda, economic war, diplomatic haggling and occasional military clashes.
Most historians have so far not reached any agreement on the exact time in which the Cold War began but it is generally believed to have started after World War 2 when President Truman declared his Anti-Communist policy. Stalin was still in power at this time.
Khrushchev’s shoe banging incident supposedly happened at a United Nations Conference in New York, but it may never have happened.
The celebrated shoe was allegedly banged on October, 13, 1960. A New York Times correspondent, Benjamin Welles, reported that Khrushchev was reacting angrily to a speech by a Philippine delegate who charged that the Soviet Union had “swallowed up” Eastern Europe and “deprived it of political and civil rights.” According to Welles, Khrushchev “pulled off his right shoe, stood up and brandished the shoe at the Philippine delegate on the other side of the hall. He then banged his shoe on the desk.”
Yet another Times man, James Feron, who was also present at the United Nations but did not write a story, recalls, “I actually saw Khrushchev not bang his shoe.” According to Feron, the Soviet leader “leaned over, took off a slip-on shoe, waved it pseudomenacingly, and put it on his desk, but he never banged his shoe.”
There are no actual photos or TV footage of this incident.
Answer by frankie
Nikita Khrushchev – former Soviet President and former Communist Party Commissar and front-line soldier with the Red Army.
Check the links below for more on Khrushchev
Nikita Khrushchev and JFK letters
Nikita Khrushchev once famously described the UK as an American aircraft carrier. Not wrong there.
Nikita Khrushchev is best described as a happy Russian peasant, for that is exactly what he was. He nearly always had a beaming smile.
Nikita with JFK
Nikita R.I.P.
Victory Day Parade, Red Square Moscow.
Answer by Alan Colmes is my Hero!
Nikita Kruschev was the premier of the USSR after Stalin died in 1953. He was there when Eisenhower was president and lost his seat in 1964 because he relented to Kennedy 2 years earlier during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which btw was Khrushchev’s was his idea. He also thought up the Berlin Wall. He was a very bad guy, although he DID save the world from nuclear oblivion at the time. Castro wanted to blow the world up.
The shoe banging thing at the UN was just for theatrics. He liked this sort of thing and had a famous “kitchen debate” with Richard Nixon in the 50’s debating Communism vs Capitalism.
He didn’t start the cold war, Stalin did when he stole the Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs.
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