Question by Ginny Weasley-Potter: What was Leon Trotsky like as a person and what were some major points and acheivements in his lifetime?
What was the power struggle like between him and Stalin after Lenin died?
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Answer by weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940:
Trotsky was born near Odessa and from a Jewish background. He was a revolutionary who joined the bolshevik party just before the October revolution of 1917. As head of the committee he played a leading role in organizing the seizure if power in 1917. Under Lenin he served as a Commissar for foreign affair and Commissar for War. In the latter role he played a large part in the Bolshevik victory during the civil war of 1918-21. He was an intellectual who liked to commit his energies to important tasks but Stalin got the better of him after Lenin’s death in 1924. His call for Permanent Revolution differed from Stalin’s push for Socialism in one country and without a power-base in the party, Trotsky was isolated. He was expelled from the party in 1927 and exiled to Alma-Ata, before leaving the Soviet Union in 1928. He was killed by Stalin’s agents (ice pic blow to the back of the head) in mexico in 1940.
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