Question by Emperor: people who have lived under the soviet Union what was life like during the Gorbachev era?
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Answer by moravianhawk
For majority of the citizens of the USSR, it was totally disaster time. It is a period that coincide with total collapse of the centrally planned economy, breakdown of the civic and public services, and decline of overall living standard. It was the economic mismanagement that fueled civic unrest in USSR, secession of wealthier republics, and abandonment of centrally planned economy toward market oriented system. In earlier years of Gorbachev rule, he believed that the economy could be reformed and productivity increased, while at the same time allowing limited freedom and civic rights. However, instead the economy deteriorated rapidly and shortages were common. Communist system from 1960-1980 experienced steady increase of living standard, and social progress, but it turned into stagnation around 1980. While economic problems were common through entire communist time, they really exploded after 1980 and rapidly increased during Perestroika. Supplies, goods, and parts dried up when trade and transportation collapsed, and black market exploded. In later years of Gorbachev era, inflation exploded, eroding peoples savings and fixed income, which lead to invalidation of currency in 1991. Poverty became widespread, and emigration was way to escape the collapsing economy.
One benefit of the the Gorbachev era was overall relaxing atmosphere after the communist party and political tools of oppression passed. Fear and injustice in the name of primitive ideology was gone. Publications, press, and media became free of communist indoctrination, and religious and political parties activated. Except for the Baltic countries, majority of the people in former USSR do not look into this era kindly. They see it as massive national theft that destroyed work of previous generations and era that paved way toward present oligarchy.
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