Question by 69BabyA: What was tsar nicholas II interests in government?
i have looked all over and cant find any. help please?
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Answer by Spellbound
Nicholas was an absolute ruler – he was the government. He did have ministers to help him rule but, until 1905 there was not parliament or senate or any other representative body.
After the 1905 Revolution he instituted the State Duma – a fairly powerless body, to help rule the country. When the people returned mostly radicals he disbanded it, changed the rules and re-instituted it. The Second Duma was also a radical dominated body, but it had fewer powers than the first, and Nicholas more or less ruled without consulting it.
When Russia entered WWI he entrusted the running of the government to his ministers and to his wife as he went off to personally command the army. This was a disastrous move, as he was as inept at military matters as he was at civil matters. The people’s distrust turned to hatred, the army’s wariness turned to outright contempt and the workers hatred turned to revolution.
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