Question by Draev: What was the song played at the closing ceremony of the 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow?
Its the song where the bear Mischa was sent flying in the air. I can’t seem to find the name of the song anywhere, and its so beautiful! Thanks.
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Answer by Paul R
This is a link it may help but you may need it translated
Hope it was….cheers mate
Found some more info Do svidanja, Moskva / Good Bye, Moscow
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RubaiSport says
The songs from the Moscow 1980 album are:
Город нашей славы (City of Fame)
Темп (Temperature )
Да разве сердце позабудет (Yes unless heart pozabudet)
Стадион моей мечты (Stadium of my dreams)
Мне с детства снилась высота (I have since childhood height snilas)
Марафон (Marathon)
Зарядка (Charging)
Команда молодости нашей (The command of our youth)
Богатырская наша сила (Bogatyrskaya our strength)