Question by .dizzy.with.daydreams.: What was the first type of government to to be set into power, after Tsar Nicholas II was murdered?
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Answer by Ryan
Um…well, you could make the case it was “anarchy” type of government given the fact that imperial Russia was plunged in a civil war (thus their withdrawal from World War 1)…however I suppose the more ‘technical’ answer would be an introductory Communist government…since the loyalists to the Tsar were defeated by the Bolsheviks…
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Marielle says
Tsar Nicholas was forced to abdicated in March of 1917, while Russia was involved in WWI. At first, there was a provisional government dedicated to continuing the war.
In November of the same year, Lenin led the Bolsheviks in a successful attempt to take power in St Petersburg. The White Russians (anti-Bolshevik fighters) immediately took up arms to oust the Communist regime, and Russia was plunged into a brutal civil war. The following March, the Communist regime signed a treaty with the Germans ending Russia's participation in WWI.
[email protected] says
After the overthrow of the Romanov dynasty by the February Revolution in 1917, the Menshevik leadership led by Irakli Tsereteli demanded that the government pursue a "fair peace without annexations", but in the meantime supported the war effort under the slogan of "defense of the revolution". Along with the other major Russian socialist party, the Socialist Revolutionaries (эсеры), the Mensheviks led the emerging network of Soviets, notably the Petrograd Soviet in the capital, throughout most of 1917.