Question by big_sis_little_sis9: What was Leon Trotsky’s stance on communism?
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Answer by UKAdam44
Trotsky considered himself an orthodox Marxist and Bolshevik-Leninist, arguing for the establishment of a vanguard party. His politics differed sharply from Stalinism, mainly in opposing socialism in one country which he claimed was a break with proletarian internationalism, and also what he claimed as his unwavering support for a true dictatorship of the proletariat based on democratic principles.
He felt that communism should Support for the strategy of permanent revolution, in opposition to the Two Stage Theory of his opponent or \
in other words a permanent communist revolution across the globe
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Natalie says
Have you heard of Kibbutzes in Israel? That was Trotzky's invention. He was a Socialist and not a Communist. It's important to distinguish these 2. They are not the same. You can google for more info.
8***L says
I think Obama's role model is a different Communist. Seriously.
Madame W says
He felt that Marxism should spread across the world without regard for national borders. His nemesis, Stalin favored consolidation within the Soviet Union.