Question by Rachelive: What Weapons did the USSR/Russia use or threaten to use during the cold war era?
I’ve been researching for hours, but cant find anything that doesnt trace back to wikipedia(which i cant use)
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Answer by Pandora
Intermediate-range ballistic missiles.
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Gerald Cline says
In the early part of the Cold War they threatened to invade Western Europe with the large conventional army they had used to defeat the Nazis with. During the Cold War they maintained this large conventional force and used it several times to put down revolts in Eastern Europe against their Communist puppet governments.
In 1949 they detonated their first atomic bomb. In the 50s the United States and the USSR were in a race to build nuclear bombs and aircraft to deliver them to each other's cities.
In 1957 the Soviet Union orbited the first satellite (Sputnik) and ushered in the age of ballistic missiles. From about 1960 to the end of the Cold War the USSR threatened to drop nuclear warheads on American cities with more the 1000 ICBMs. Western Europe and Japan were threatened with many more IRBMs and fighter-bombers armed with nuclear bombs.
During the course of the whole Cold War the Russians bombarded the West with propaganda. They also supported Wars of National Liberation to overthrow what they hoped were weak Third World governments and replace them with Soviet style Communist governments.
yankee_sailor says
The Soviet Union, up to Afghanistan, was not involved in ( much) direct fighting but they sold billions upon billions of stuff overseas and supplied one side of the actual bloodletting in the Cold War…they used everything from Kalashnikov assault rifles….made and exported in the millions….to front line fighter aircraft and air defense systems sold to their Allies overseas….North Vietnam and many Arab countries.They also supplies "Scud" short range missiles to just about everyone on the planet, including Iran and Iraq which shot them at each other in the Iran Iraq War of the 1980's.
They had, but never used, short range, medium range and intercontinental range ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, and vast stocks of poison gas ( sold to and used by Saddam Hussein) and biological weapons…..mostly aimed at NATO forces in Europe and the USA…….
Now Now says