Question by Obama is a Marxist-dah: What will happen now that Russia says their weather data was changed?
Russia is the good guy? WOW! Russia is being honest WOW? That global warming thing must not be a money maker for Russia like it would be for GE USA Corp. Russia officials said scientist/ Brits messed with their weather data to make global warming look real! Will this wake people up now? More and more journalists in Copenhagen are questioning all the changed data!
I think Immelt wet himself!
Answers and Views:
Answer by kathy_is_a_nurse
There’s been rumblings for awhile in the AGW blogs about the Russian data skewing the global temperatures. It’s nice to see that it’s coming out into the mainstream at Copenhagen.
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Oscar says
Global Warming/Climate Change or what ever name they are hiding under today, is a religion. You don't stop true believers with mere facts.
Facts are simply relabeled as hearsay. And they will still get mad that you don't fall to your knees and worship at their shrine.
Vicki says
Global Warming is not a hoax… it is, however, easier for countries who don't want to put their money into fixing it…. to quote popular conspiracy theories…
(early morning…. no coffee…. sentence structure should improve by noon…..)
wyldfyr says
Russia has the highest oil reserves in the world. It has a government owned oil cartel. Russians paid the hackers who stole the e-mails from the East Anglia University.
regerugged says
From the comments I have seen on this site, I expect the true believers to go on promoting their climate change hysteria…regardless of the facts.
If the temperature at noon on Mount Everest is -100 degrees F and the temp at the equator in the Sahara desert is +120 degrees F at that same time what conclusions can you draw? Answer: none.
Scientists need to measure the output of energy from the sun and compare that to temperature change all over the planet to give a meaningful evaluation.
vwvw26 says
0bama and Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi will get on their private jets, polute the world, laugh about what fools the Environmentalists are!
ItsJustMe says
What will happen? Nothing. The media will do their best to sweep it under the carpet and everyone will discredit the report and act like nothing has changed.
Warren Peace says
they have the same problems in canada.why do you think the prime minister boycotted it.