Question by : What would the world be like if Lenin has been successfully assassinated?
My answer would be that Germany would have won the Second World War, and therefore much of Europe would be a fascist state that would be a major threat to the USA and may have already conquered it.
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Answer by Comicbook Reader
Depends on when he was assassinated. If it occurred before the Revolution, then yes you may have a valid case. If after the Revolution, I disagree. His early death would just have sped up Stalin’s agenda and pushed him to power earlier.
But, to play the devil’s advocate – Lenin’s early death may also have allowed Trotsky to gain power rather than Stalin. Trotsky may have been able to out maneuver Stalin and send him into exile instead. Trotsky was more an Internationalist than Stalin and may have attempted to export the Revolution more vigorously, guaranteeing no alliance with the west or Germany.
There are some history sites that debate this. You might find their arguments useful.
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