Question by : Friends from Moscow : What’s a Dacha and ….?!?
Can you write the name of the Dacha-s which need 20-30 Mins driving from Moscow to get
Thanks in advance
What do you know about a neighborhood which is called “Profosyuznaya” is it close to some of Dachas or is it close to some nice place?!tell me whatever you know about there!!! thanks and
Answers and Views:
Answer by Wave2012
Dacha is a summer house, summer cottage, small (or big if people are rich) cottage outside the city in a countryside.
Nothing more.
Buy a land, build house or plant garden and visit every weekend. It is a dacha.
There are MILLIONS dachas in Russia around every city and town. As well as hundred thousands around Moscow.
They usually don’t have anythign around except small shop because people come outside Moscow to rest, vspend time on fresh air without being disturbed by city life. That is why it cannot be nice place for a lonely foreigner who doesn’t speak Russian. I belive your friend is pretty silly that she suggested you to live outside city. You will not be able to walk in the evening on Moscow streets, will not have any cafes to eat and just to speng good time as tourists supposed to spend time. I would advice you to book a hotel.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
asdafbgdsu asdguigil says
just like beach houses but without the beach
Blonde A says
“profsoyuznaya” is name of street and metro station in south-west part of moscow
one thing i don’t understand is why don’t you ask your friend about where her dacha is and what it is?