Question by Love.: What’s one of Rachmaninoff’s hardest pieces?
I’m playing Prelude in C# Minor, how does that compare to his other pieces? What is the best in your opinion, and then the most difficult?
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Answer by microeyes720
Comparatively, prelude in C# minor is one of Rachmaninoff’s easiest pieces (though still very difficult).
His most difficult piece is definitely his Piano Concerto No 3 in Db minor. Even the best piano players in the world struggle to make it through this 40+ minute piece without making mistakes.
As far as his best piece goes, many people will tell you its his Concerto No 2, but I prefer his Prelude in G minor Op 23 No 5. It has a wide range of emotions and is very fun to play.
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benben.smith says
That's actually a good question. These are in no particular order.
1. Piano Concerto in D minor – Very difficult and time consuming to work on. Requires a wide arrange of technique.
2. Piano Sonata No.1 – A very good piece of music that is underplayed. Very difficult in very, very many aspects.
3. Piano Sonata No.2 – Almost the same thing as above but a little bit harder than his first sonata.
Hope you considered these pieces relevant to your question as well as helpful, for people's opinions on Rachmaninoff's music is very diverse.
Sam says