Question by stephanie: what’s the name of this poem by Anna Akhmatova? and know of any others by her?
I said to my friends:
“There is plenty of grief, so little joy.’
And I left, covering my face;
I lost the ring.
My friends said:
“We looked everywhere for the ring,
on the sandy shore,
and among pines near the small clearing.”
One more daring than the rest
caught up with me on the tree-lined drive
and tried to convince me
to wait for the close of day.
The advice astonished me
and I grew angry with my friend
because his eyes were full of sympathy:
“And what do I need you for?
You can only laugh,
boast in front of the others
and bring flowers.”
I told them all to go away.
and know of any other good ones?
thanksss. <3
Answers and Views:
Answer by danni05069
This web page has an indexed list of her poems you can read as well as some info about her life.
Read all the answers in the comments.
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nanlwart says
Along the Hard Crest of the Snowdrift
by Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
Along the hard crest of the snowdrift
to my white, mysterious house,
both of us quiet now,
keeping silent as we walk.
And sweeter than any song
this dream we now complete–
the trembling of branches we brush against
the soft ringing of your spurs.
Translated from the Russian by Jane Kenyon
A wonderful video: Anna Akhmatova: Fear & The Muse
Starring: Claire Bloom, Christopher Reeve Director: Jill Janows Rating NR
Some good sites on Anna (with Russian translations in some):see below