Question by Franco: When did the alliance between the USA and the USSR officially begin?
Regarding World War II, when did the alliance between the USA and the Soviet Union officially begin? Was there some kind of document that was signed? I know the Soviet Union declared war on Germany sometime in the summer of 1942 and the US did the same later that year but… when can we say that the alliance between these two powers officially begin and through what act?
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Answer by Canadian Bacon
The Grand Alliance was the result of Adolf Hitler’s reign over Nazi Germany. Because the other countries were threatened by his reign, the United States, USSR, and Great Britain came together, also known as the Grand Alliance, in order to stop Germany during WWII.
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ammianus says
11 December 1941,when Germany declared war on USA.
As Germany was already at war with Russia (from 22 June 1941, when they invaded USSR) he German declaration of war on USA made USA and USSR de facto allies.
There was no document or treaty or alliance that formally produced the alliance; Britain, USA, and USSR were all at war with Germany so cooperated as Allies to defeat Germany.
NoPlate says
The US was supplying the UK with as much war material as they could during 1941. They were also providing protection against U-boats part way across the Atlantic. This was virtually an undeclared war with Germany. US warships were sunk in this "conflict", as were U-boats.
In June 1941 (six months before Pearl Harbor and the US entrance into the war) the USSR was invaded by Germany. She was instantly in a very bad way. Britain offered help almost instantly. The USSR (again almost instantly) started to buy war goods from the US through a Soviet buying organization already in the US. This relationship between the three countries was put into writing in the Atlantic CHarter in August, 1941. The following month Lend-Lease – a plan to "lend" war supplies against future payment – was extended to the USSR in a formal manner. Lend-Lease had been going on with the UK for over a year.
In other words, the alliance started when the first bullet flew against the USSR. It was put into writing two months later.
ratcord says
There is was no official alliance as far as i know, hence the strained relations, until recently
Since they both found camps in 2008,belonging to each other on the dark side of the moon, both of them have been quiet and actually quite cordial towards each other. ( both wanted to keep that information quiet)