Question by cheechee2525: When does the story Babushka Baba yaga take place?
I have a book report due soon and i have no clue when it took place, No this is not cheating, it does not say in the story.
(the book is by Patricia Polacco)
Answers and Views:
Answer by Ian A
babushka is russian for grandma so i think its russia
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What do you think?
Baba Yaga is a character from folklore; she appears in many cultures, and has been around for centuries. There are many many versions of her stories. I don't know which one you've read, so it's hard to say when it was taking place. There may be clues in the story itself, if you read it carefully and know anything about history. Check the clothing in the illustrations; that may give you a clue.
Kelly says
I loved all the stories that involved her! I would probably say 1800s, probably early 1800 maybe even late 1700s….