Question by Andi Atrocious: Where did Boris Yeltsin go to school at?
(elementary/middle/high school)
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Answer by ga.peach67
Here’s his life story:
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thin lizzy says
And I'm sure he learned not to end a sentence with a preposition.
marioman2332 says
He studied at Pushkin High School early in his life, and he studied for his higher education at Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk.
VI Guy In The Know says
Boris Yeltsin studied at Pushkin High School in Berezniki in Perm Krai.
Yeltsin received his higher education at the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk, majoring in construction, and graduated in 1955. The subject of his degree paper was "Television Tower".
kuzya says
Yeltsin finished secondary school in the oblast center of Sverdlovsk (later renamed Yekaterinburg) in 1950 and graduated from the civil engineering division of the Urals Polytechnic Institute in 1955. He then worked for 13 years in the Urals as a foreman and manager in the building industry, supporting his wife, Naina, and two daughters.