Question by Patty M: Does anyone know where I can read about the minors in Russia literally finding hell?
My English teacher today was talking about an email going around about minors in Russia who after eight miles in drilling into the surface of the earth’s crust found a hollow point. When they found the hollow point they put microphones in and my teacher said that they literally heard thousands of screams. I would really like to read this email. Thank you have a nice day.
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Answer by dolly_k
wow so would i.
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"Wee" Joe says
This question is more inane the second time around.
Big Richard Cheney says
its miners not minors.
and its all a hoax.
Ummjuju says
sounds like a hoax but i still want to read it. i'll search for it…. FOUND IT … HERE IT IS:…
Artillery Squirrel says
it is an urban legend that has been circulating around the internet since the 90s. there is a sound file but it was never recorded in a hole in Russia, it is complete fiction.
Invisible Talker says
I have no idea, but that kind of email is easy to write.
I could even do it here and you wouldn't know the difference. I fail to see why it would be interesting, as it's clearly a hoax.
Maurog II says
On Snopes, of course: