Question by Benjamin: Where is the best place to buy a AK47?
My buddies and I are looking for the best quality and high rated. Price is not a concern, but I do like a good deal when I see one. Also if anyone could mention a good ammunition manufacture, that would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
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Answer by ladystang
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A fine and pleasant says
Russia, China, Yugo
diablojd52 says
normally with ak's high price and high quality and just the differnce of the guy being very happy he put a higher price tag on that specific gun when he sold it to you.
ak's are dam near indestructable go cheap
if you want full auto you are only paying a large amount to buy the tax stamp (and you will need an Federal Firearms License)
if you get semi and pay more than $ 400 you got screwed (you can get them new for $ 300 sometimes)
M1911/HKP7 says
Arsenal AK's are where it's at . . .
Erfan Khodrang says
Go to the shoe store and buy a new Andre Krilenko 47 sneakers.
carrying a gun is not legal.
x GROMIT x says
Guns and idiots = bad combination. Focus more on widening that gene pool!
i remember a dude selling trucks and for every truck you bought you got a free AK-47…
Mr.Nobody says
Wyoming,Texas,Oklahoma,but need to be a state resident,you can also try the gun shows
Zakonye says
A semi-auto clone? Any gun store should have them.
Ammo? Bulk rounds can be bought at or
Erfan, I carry a gun every day
Brian says
no where really i think they are illegal in the united states