Question by Cass Small: Where is a good place to buy Valenki and Ushanka?
I am going to St. Petersburg, Russia this summer for a week, as well as Estonia and Ukraine (a week apiece), and I’d like to buy a genuine pair of Valenki – felted wool boots- and an Ushanka, without buying the crap generally set out by locals of all countries for tourists.
I would like to know a few stores and prices for these objects.
Also, it would be nice to know some good traditional things I could get in Estonia and Ukraine.
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Answer by Anatoli
I am afraid you will not find valenki on sale in Russia unless you come in winter and go to a deep countryside. If you are lucky to find something that looks like valenki, just squeeze them by hands, they must be pretty firm and springy, at least 1/4″ thick.
Ushanka, military model, is considered a souvenir and thus can be bought nearby major tourist attractions and along Nevsky prospect. They are typically genuine and OK. Russians (civil people) do not wear those. Real ones are sold in department stores in winter.
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kate says
local markets would probably be the best places