Question by Trblmkr1311: Where can I find English to Russian translations with English characters?
I’m writing a book and one of my characters speaks Russian to another character when they argue. I’ve found plenty of sights that offer English to Russian translation, but always in Russian letters. I need one that’ll give me English letters.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Daedalus Omega
I suggest you to learn the transcription of each of the 33 Russian letters, it’s super easy
Besides, if you base your story on Online translations, you will fail, big time…
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Randem says
If you're desperate to do it on the cheap, get your Russian translations from Google Translate ( ) and then copy and paste the Cyrillic letters into a transliterator like or and it will convert them to Latin characters.
However, I have to agree with the previous responder… if you're writing a book — something that you hope will be read by a lot of people — you should take the time to have an actual Russian speaker check your translations.