Question by Ryan M: I need a good summary of Anton Chekhov’s play Ivanov?
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Answer by Summer
The Play itself tells the story of Nikolai Ivanov. For the past five years, he has been married to Anna Petrovna who is currently very ill. Ivanov’s estate is run by a distant relative, Mihail Borkin, who is frequently advising people on how he can help them make money. The doctor, Lvov, an honest man as he frequently reminds the rest of the cast, informs Ivanov that his wife is dying of Tuberculosis, and that she needs rest in the Crimea. Unfortunately, Ivanov is unable to afford that, since he owes Zeenaeda Saveshna 9000 roubles. Many of the characters admonish Ivanov for avoiding his sick wife, instead spending time at Pavel Lyebedev’s house. At the end of Act One, Ivanov departs to visit there, and is followed by Anna and Lvov.
Act Two shows a party at Lyebedev’s, and features various people discussing Ivanov. They say his only motive for marrying Anna was for the large dowry, however when she married him, she converted from Judaism to Russian Orthodox and was disowned. Lyebedev is married to Saveshna, and they have a daughter, Sasha, who Ivanov seems to be flirting with. The act concludes with the two kissing, an act that is overseen by Anna who faints.
Act Three shows a number of conversations between Ivanov and other members of the cast, varying from talks with Lyebedev about money, to Lvov about the way he treats Anna. The scene ends with Anna bursting in upon Ivanov and Sasha, who are simply talking, resulting in Ivanov telling Anna she is dying, a fact she previously has not known.
The Final Act occurs a year after the previous one, Anna has died, and Ivanov and Sasha are preparing to marry. As the wedding is about to begin, Lvov appears, unveils Ivanov’s supposed intentions, simply to marry Sasha for the dowry, and calls him a cad. Ivanov draws a gun, but Sasha intervenes. Ivanov walks off stage and shoots himself. The play ends.
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