Question by Jeff: Where could I locate more info on Leon trotsky?
Where could I get information of Leon Trotsky’s life in Mexico? Preferably a website
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Answer by Spellbound
There are several websites that have useful information about Trotsky’s time in Mexico:
I’d start by looking at the Leon Trotsky Museum in Coyaocan, Mexico.
Then I’d look at both this website:
They are very friendly, so if you contact them with a specific query they should answer you.
Then I would look at this book on Googlebooks, it’s a brilliant biography of Trotsky – I’m currently reading it, but I haven’t got to his stay in Mexico yet:
Edit – ignore the Juri Lina book – he is an anti-semite and conspiracy theorist. I can find no mention of Trotsky collecting pornography in any reputable book on Trotsky.
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Hard Twist says
Leon Trotsky was born Leiba Brontstein
In 1888 he entered a Jewish Heder school where the classes were taught in Hebrew…."Leiba began collecting pornographic pictures at the age of eight….The man who transformedc Leiba Brontstein into a revolutionary monster under the name of Leon (Lev) Trotsky was high ranking Jewish Illuminst and freemason, Israel Helphand…" et etc.