Question by susanmaried: Which Dostoevsky novel is a good one to start with?
Novel or collection of short stories. Which do you recommend and why?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Ms. Scarlett
Of Crime and Punishment: It is focused and deals with one theme. Not complicated and great read.
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What do you think?
Sarah says
Maybe my opinion isn't much since the only novel I've read by him is what I'm reading now , but "Notes From Underground" is really good so far. Dostoevsky's writing shows such energy and such passion, it's made me think of who I am as person.
Howard Roark says
"Notes from the Underground"–its the introduction to a theme that Dostoevsky would come back to again and again with different views and perspectives. It is also a great piece of Existential literature. From there, reading "Crime and Punishment" or "The Brothers Karamazov" is a good idea. "The Gambler" and "The Idiot" are also quite good.