Question by Lucy Anderson: Which hospital was Vladimir Lenin sent to when he was shot?
Vladimir Lenin was shot on the 30 August 1918 by Fanya Kaplan, it was a failed assasination. I know that Lenin was rushed to hospital, my question is, which hospital was it? I can’t find anything on it…
Please list all the hospitals that Lenin has been to, it might help me. Thank you.
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Answer by scarlmart
On 30 August 1918, the Socialist Revolutionary Fanya Kaplan approached Lenin after a speech; at his automobile, whilst he rested a foot upon the running board, in speaking with a woman, Kaplan called to Lenin, and, as he turned to face her in reply, she shot at him three times. The first bullet struck an arm, the second bullet struck his jaw and neck, and the third bullet missed him—and wounded the woman with whom he was speaking; the wounds felled him, unconscious.[68] Fearing in-hospital assassins, Lenin was delivered to his Kremlin apartment; physicians decided against removing the bullets—lest the surgery endanger his recovery, which proved slow.
So apparently he was treated in his apartment
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Spellbound says
He didn't go to hospital, he and his minders were very worried about the potential for other attacks. He was driven to his apartment in the Kremlin, and after his wife and sisters examined the wound, two surgeons were sent for. The surgeons were: Professors A Rozanov and W.M. Mints, they conducted the surgery in the Kremlin.
Lenin, A Biography, by Robert Service – P369