Question by ihartpurple: Who acted more responsibly during the cuban missile crisis? kennedy or khrushchev?
This is a really tough question for me to answer. I will say that John Kennedy acted more responsibly. But I need evidence to back this up. Even if you do not know the answer of this off hand, could you please suggest some websites that will help me in doing so?? Thank you so much.
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Answer by Michael
Don’t just pick kennedy because you learned in school that kruschev is a communist and that “communists are the bad guys”.
Sometimes, and only sometimes, like ONCE IN A BLUE MOON (I’m serious about this!), the communists have a good point to make. In this case, Kruschev decided to move missles to Cuba BECAUSE the U.S. already had nukes in Turkey (RIGHT ON RUSSIA’S DOORSTEP!!!) pointed at the U.S.S.R.!!!
Go get a globe / atlas / world map / anything and find Turkey on it and look at just how close Turkey is to Russia. Cuba is pretty close to the U.S. and Russia is really close to Alaska but not close to the continental U.S. which is what matters most.
Kruschev ended up accepting the bargain that Cuba’s nukes would be removed if the U.S. agreed to remove Turkey’s nukes as well.
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