Question by Tj: Who do terrorists hate the most, Russia or The United States?
You always hear tapes/videos of terrorists threatening America, and the West. You don’t see much about them saying anything about Russia. They’ve had events in the past 10 years also (Theater take over, and so on), but you don’t hear much about it. Why is this? Is it cause we meddle too much in other countries, and Russia just stays to itself?
Answers and Views:
Answer by William F
Yes. It is directly related to our meddling.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Pindoskaya ;) says
I think it's only right that there is a balance in everything, rather than one country telling the whole world what to do. It's healthier this way. The terrorist acts in Russia is a completely different story. I don't blame Russians for hating people from the Caucasus. If you live there, you'll know and understand this sentiment. Of course everybody hates the United States for very obvious reasons.
Wind Walker. says
First of all the Russians dont appease kiss or suck the butt of the Bad
Guys. They send a very resounding message. You kick my dog I kill
your cat. Just that plain and simple. So Obama keep puckering up
and we will continue on our out of control route to being a third world
badmotherrucker says
That all depends on where the terrorist is from, and what he's pissed at. The aren't many Chechen terrorists after America. We hear more about the terrorist who want to hurt America because we're they're target, and that's our biggest concern. Remember when the Chechen terrorists took over the theater in Russia, and held the hostages for days until the Russians blew the crap out of everybody?
Miley Bin Osama Lade says
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan hasn't been forgotten, but it does have something to do with the government's extreme involvement in middle eastern politics.
Laser says
Which one does a tiger want to eat the most, the baker or the carpenter?
They're animals. I don't think they make distinctions that much.
However, I think they probably feel like they beat Russia out of their country, so their ego dictates that they don't worry about Russia.
"they hate the US more because Russia secretly funds and arms most of them. amazing how AK47s and RPGs are the extent of their armaments…"
And before that, WE were giving them arms to fight the Russians. Seen Charlie Wilson's War????
Terrorists are rabid dogs. There's no rhyme or reason to them.
"So Obama keep puckering up and we will continue on our out of control route to being a third world country."
Actually, Obama is focusing interest on Afghanistan, the place where the 9/11 killers came from, rather than following Bush's policy of ignoring the actual killers and going after the oil in Iraq.
mnbvcxz52773 says
The thing is, terrorists are not a group. They are several groups. There are groups that target Russia because of Grozny. Then there are groups that target the US, like Al Qaida, then there are groups that target Isreal, like the PLO, then there are groups that target housing developments, like ELF.
Jesus says
Because the USA is seen as the most capitalist/christian nation in the west.
Russia keeps to itself.
Russia supplys aid and weapons to those the us do not.
And basically Russians are bad arse led by a bad arse ex kgb leader.
Republic 2012 says
America. We are a land of free people with the most prosperous capitalist economy on earth….
Russia. "A land where capitalist are charged with crimes to spread the wealth", where these capitalist are given amnesty elsewhere, a land of poor people who have been communist and by extension socialist since they started.
They hate Americans. The simple….correct answer…is always a bitch for liberals.
Doodle says
Duh………Russia provides weapons to countries we would never trade with.
Embassy of Russia in Teheran, Iran
Address:Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Neauphle-le-Chateau street 39, Tehran, Iran
Phone:+98 21 6670-1161, 6670-1173
Telex:(882) 13457 GKES IR
Fax:+98 21 6670-1652
E-mail:[email protected]
Do we have an embassy in Iran?
Palestinians to get Russian aid
Hamas supporters in Gaza City
Hamas supporters in Gaza City condemn the withdrawal of aid
Russia has said it will grant the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority urgent financial aid, in opposition to the policy of the EU and the US
Do we provide aid to Hamas?
jow says
they hate the US more because Russia secretly funds and arms most of them. amazing how AK47s and RPGs are the extent of their armaments…
Yamanka™ [Stra says
It's because other countries come crying to us for help, so we do help.
Were too generous for our own good.
JimSock says
America is hated, Russia is feared.
Which do you want to be?