Question by Angelus: ¿Rasputin?
Who exactly was Rasputin? I’ve heard of biazarre stories about this name. (For example; i think he was a character in the movie Hellboy, wasn’t he?)
So please (if you can) tell me who he was, and if you know of any, fictionous stories would be rewarded.
Answers and Views:
Answer by norman7774
Rasputin was born in the Tyumen district of Siberia, far away from the glittering salons in the Imperial Capital of St. Petersburg. Even today he is a shadowy and mysterious character; a person of contradictory personality traits. Was he a miracle worker or just a crafty manipulator of the Imperial Family? While he was alive, witnesses, including doctors and skeptics, concluded he possessed some inexplicable power over the Tsarevich and his deadly episodes of bleeding. This mysterious ability to heal her son was enough to convince Aleksandrathat Rasputin, whatever people said of him, must have been sent by God. In her mind he was he the answer to her fervent prayers for God to save her son. It was impossible for her to believe that he could have been a wolf in sheep’s clothing. His influence over politics has been greatly exaggerated. Rasputin was a convenient scapegoat for those who wanted to attack the Tsar’s appointments and decisions, but who wouldn’t confront Nicholas directly
Rasputin was close to the Tsaritsa’s closest friend, Anya Vyrubova. Her devotion to him was absolute, which was reinforced after a terrible derailment of the train from Tsarskoe Selo to Petersburg in which Anna was almost killed. Although she survived the accident Anna’s condition was so bad her doctors despaired of saving her life; her body was crushed and mangled. Rasputin came to her bedside, stood over Anna as she lay near death. He reached out and held her hand. Dripping with sweat, intensely focused, Rasputin repeated the words, “Annushka, Annushka, rise!”. The drama of the moment was incredible. Anna suddenly awoke from her coma, opened her eyes and tried to rise from her bed. It was a miracle. As Rasputin staggered into the next room, he spoke, prophetically saying that although she would live, for the rest of her life Anna would be a cripple. So it came to be.
Rasputin tried to ingratiate himself with other members of the Romanov family, but most of them would have nothing to do with him. Olga, Nicholas sister, resented Rasputin’s prying into her private life and rebuffed his offers of spiritual help in her marital problems.
A number of influential churchmen fell for Rasputin early in his ‘career’ as a holy man. Later, these supporters in the church hierarchy turned on him and attempted to send him away from St. Peterburg. Rasputin cunningly knew how to undermine his enemies in the church and soon had them exiled or in disgrace. A bishop or monk who opposed him might find themself suddenly sent to a remote monastery or far-away episcopal see. In government affairs Rasputin’s power was an illusion, although the Petersburg press crowed about his influence over important government appointments. Gossip claimed he had seduced the Empress, her daughters, and Anna Vyrubova as well. These rumors, which reached the highest circles of society where they were deliciously repeated by Aleksandra’s foes, drove Nicholas to distraction. The remoteness and isolation of the Imperial Family made it possible for the general public to believe these crazy stories, but the aristocracy knew they were groundless. Still they derived pleasure from seeing Aleksandra’s named dragged through the mud. Rasputin made the talk worse by flaunting the Imperial families gifts, letters and the telephone calls he received from Aleksandra asking for his prayers. People believed he had an uncanny control over the Tsar and his wife. Rasputin enjoyed the celebrity status this reputation gave him.
The story of Rasputin’s demise is well known. One night in December 1916, Rasputin was invited by Prince Felix Felixovich Yussupov to visit his palace on the Moika Canal. The pretext was the opportunity for Rasputin to meet Felix’s wife, Irina, who was a great beauty and niece of the Tsar. Rasputin wanted to meet Irina and was flattered by Felix’s attention. Felix claims he had been nurturing a relationship with Rasputin for a number of years before the invitation, although this relationship has never been fully explained. Felix always portrayed his murder of Rasputin as a political act to save Russia. Certainly, Felix had never shown any patriotic leanings before, so his murder of Rasputin is hard to explain from a political standpoint. It may have been there was some other, more personal, reason for Felix’s desire to get rid of him. Besides Felix, who was the mastermind of the plot, the Tsar’s first cousin and ward Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich Romanov, and a member of the Imperial Duma, Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich, were also involved in Rasputin’s killing.
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jairhills says
Rasputin was a madman, a great seducer, and a very powerful man. During the time of war and revolution, the Russian Empire is under threat of invasion, and torn open by radical upheaval. In the palace, the Royal Family is divided by the sickness of their son, Alexis, the heir to the throne. Into this walks Rasputin with the power to heal the empire, or possibly destroy it. With Rasputin getting drunk all the time, the world turns against him, while the Royal family is impressed with his work.
(in the movie)
toma_calin86 says
Rasputin was a historical figure in the late Russian Empire. He was an orthodox priest. But he was thought to have diabolical help. He had an unusual control over the Empress of Russia. For the so-called "benefit of the Empire" there had been several assassination attempts, from which Rasputin came out unscathed. He'd been shot, stabbed, poisoned, yet he kept on living, to the despair of his assassins.
For any other, more complete answers, I would suggest looking him up in an encyclopedia.
aru2383 says
Rasputin is regarded as the biggest villian of Russia.He was the chief priest in Tsar Nicholas' court.he was havin an affair with the Tsar's wife,the queen.because of tht he exerted a lot of influence in the court proceedings and eventually became very politically powerful.he was one of the reasons for the russian revolution.He was finally murdered by some ppl in the court who had become jealous of his power
MissTea© says
Rasputin has a great influence in Russian History .
He is mainly responsible for the fall of Czar Nicholas two and the victory of the Bolsheviks .
Rasputin was a scandalous character who influenced Czar Nicholas two's wife , who in turn influenced the Czar and corrupted him .
The Russian economy was miserable during his reign .
Peasants didn't have enough bread , soldiers didn't either , but still were forced to fight world war two ( along with the allied powers – England and France )
crossstitchkelly says
Rasputin (aka, "The Mad Monk) was a Russian. The Russian royal family had a son who was a hemophiliac, and Rasputin was able to calm the boy and stop his bleeding. The Czarina believed he was sent from God, and he became the family's closest advisor. Unfortunately, he was also about as evil a person as you'd know (that's why they used him as nearly being Satan himself in "Hellboy"). He made a lot of enemies, and finally they decided to kill him. One might they poisoned him, stabbed him, and shot him, but he was still alive. Finally, they threw him in the river. That did it.
bobo says
he was a russian monk at the tsarist court, supposedly with a verey great influece on the tsarina, didn't wash much etc. google it and you will find out much much more. books have been written about him as well.