Question by Phil A: Who has more power in Russia, Medvedev, Putin, Olygarchs or the Russian Mafia?
Surely it’s not the people, so who weilds the most power ?
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Answer by Svetlana
Only the men behind the curtain know. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. This is an unknown phenomenon.
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Arsan Lupin says
Unified Energy System of Russia (Единая Энергетическая Система)
polynesian says
kate says
who runs the contry-Putin
what runs the country-corruption
Slava T says
It’s not easy to answer your question because the situation is not as straightforward as it might look.
I can say that Putin is a face of a specific system and in this virtue has more authority than, say, Medvedev, the current Russian president, or any oligarchs and their groups. But Putin does not represent merely himself personally but rather a group of bureaucrats/businessmen who enjoy, first of all, material and legal advantages provided by the regime. One Russian journalist compared this way of ruling to "a swarm of insects". Putin is just a prominent "queen" 🙂 of this swarm with a known face. He speaks and rules on behalf of that “swarm” who support him if his actions reflect their interests and who sabotage his decisions if they put those group interests’ under threat. The swarm's members ("insects") loosely link to each other (both horizontally- between peers; and vertically- between superiors and inferiors) by a number of corrupted obligations, kickbacks etc. Putin’s authority is based on collective understanding of the swarm that he managed to protect their interests up to now.
That is why your term "Russian mafia" doesn't have any meaning in Russia because the state and its bodies serve the mafioso aims of the “swarm”.
Just one example for you: do you remember Anna Chapman story? This young lady did not have any intention to spy against the USA (it's not in the interests of the mentioned "swarm"). What she actually did was an attempt to laundry some money stolen by "swarm" members in Russia. It’s important that she did so in her OFFICIAL capacity as a Russian intelligence agent.
Do you understand now what the current Russian regime is up to?
sc says
Putin- Russia's leader's have always been ruthless despots. Think Stalin, Yeltsin, etc…Putin is obviously using Medvedev to pull his strings in office- it's a practice that's been going on in Russia forever.
Re De says
Russia's all one big mafia.
Nikolay says
I am sure Putin