Question by Justine: Who of the 2 has the loudest grunt ever in tennis, M. Sharapova or M. Seles?
I read that M.Sharapova is by far has an incredibly loud grunt that some commentators compare it to a jet plane flying over your head that might cause ear bleeding if you are too close.
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Answer by king
Maria sharapova has the loudest grunt compared to any other female player in tennis history.I am confirming this as i watched in a sports channel that sharapova has the loudest grunt in hearing decibals.She was really a huge effort maker too.
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Duke nkm says
Chatterson says
i'd have to say maria.
Phaura Reinz says
in wimbledon, they actually had a gruntometer, and gruntometer started during the days of monica (when monica irritated martina on the center court)
and actually maria grunts (screams) louder, reaching more than a 100 decibels!
JasonL says
I don't know about tennis, but between the sheets, Sharapova takes the cake. I can attest to this from person experience…girl screams like a rooster on LSD. Mmmm, best night of my life.
Now Now says
Monica was once compared to a diesel engine. Maria to a pressure cooker. Serena is not far behind.