Question by Fin Mccool: Who makes a quality AK-47 that does not feel like cheap trash that rattles in your hands?
Im looking for something that does not feel cheap even if I have to pay a little extra. Im in the 1,500 market. Like to have something with a Russian stamp but that’s not super important. Looking for quality that shoots well.
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Answer by WilliamG
Soviet or Czech.
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lana_sands says
The gun is designed to be that way. Loose, so parts don't bind or get clogged.
Doc Hudson says
AK's were designed to be cheap. And the loose rattling fit is the very thing that lets them keep right on shooting after wallowing around in mud and sand without being cleaned for days at a time, unlike the finely fitted and more delicate M-16.
With that said, I understand that the Russian and Yugoslavian rifles with forged receivers are of a much higher quality than the stamped receiver ChiCom rifles.
67firebirdman says
the ak was not made to tight tolerances as our rifles were. they were designed that way so they would still fire under terribly harsh conditions. example: left under ground or not cleaned regularly-made to function after being pushed in a mud puddle…which to us is unheard of. most will have a rattle or feel loose when inspected closely.
Jake says
If you dont mind a drive and a semi-automatic, then Dunham's Sports in Richmond Ky has AK's for sell for 400$ if you'll believe that. My cousin bought one from them around like December 1 ish. Shoots the 7.62 round. And it is a great gun. Made in Romania (one of the original manufactures of the AK-47 assault rifle). But it is a semi-automatic which may be a problem for a lot of people.
Joe says
Poly tech–best , high quality one, a little pricey, but it is a good one