Question by In Defense of ☭Marxism: Who REALLY started the conflict between Russia and Georgia last year? and Why is Putin so freaking dumb?
Cant he learn from the neo-cons? Invade another country and install a permanent military base ? C’mon Russia, you cant be a superpower.
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Answer by coyotecoup
Who knows who started it. Its a long conflict, hundreds of years. It didn’t just start last year.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Betelgeuse says
Georgia started the mess. The provinces of South Ossetia and Abkenazia wanted independence from Georgia and they wanted to be annexed by Russia. Russia agreed to cede them. That's when Georgia said, "Screw you Russia!" and shut off the natural gas pipeline. Then Russia took action and retaliated.
ColdWar says
The U.S. started that mess in Georgia, by encouraging their leaders to be more assertive to Russia.
obamasbro says
numb nuts,putin was the head of KGB.this guy is a BRILLIANT out of control marxist. he can do whatever he wants over there…..and he has.