Question by GoYankees353: Who would China and Russia fight for In a war between Iran and Israel with the US on Israel’s side?
Long question, I know…However, I think I pretty much covered it.
Do you think that if a war between Iran and Israel escalated and Israel bombed Iran (nuclear strikes exchanged by both sides), with the US with Israel, China or Russia would step in for Iran?
Answers and Views:
Answer by CIA
Probably Iran .
Add your own answer in the comments!
Kazawa Ao says
1) Nuclear wars don't happen.
2) Russia also wants to place sanctions on Iran to raise oil price.
3) China would minimally assist Iran > Russia would threaten to aid Iran > Armistice with US gaining some more influence in Iran.
allperils2050 says
Iran borders at least 5 countries.
A US backed invasion of Iran will be World War 3.
China and Russia will back up Iran. It's obvious. China nor Russia would want to have American bases right at their doorstep.
The United States's biggest export is Death.
pre says
jack says
it would not really matter because at that point we would all lose…i mean Israel is pretty much going to be left alone besides America i do not think anyone else would stand with Israel…and that goes for Britain..i mean they flip flop more than a 40 year old pair of shoes..but if it come to the point Russian and China choosing sides we would all lose and there would be no winner..
Gotta Hankerin' says
If a conventional war were to break out I don't think China or Russia would intervene. Nuclear war is a different matter and it would all depend on who launched the first missile.
Albert A says
andy_gurl says
iran because they have oil and gas that can be used/traded for income and this would create an opportunity to crush the "american superpower"
No, I don't think either would help Iran, N.Korea would help Iran. Russia only cares about taking land and oil, so they have nothing to gain helping Iran.