Question by lolwutisthis: The most famous gun Ak-47?
why is it so famous
why does every first person shooter have it
and why do people say it sucks when its legendary
Photo Credit: Russland und Ukraine/Flickr
Answers and Views:
Answer by alexander m
its well known because its been around for a while, has been in a lot of conflicts, and is what almost every 3rd world country equips their army with.
it sucks in one perspective, its good in another. its innacurate and choppy. on the other hand you can burry it in a puddle of mud for a month, take it out, and shoot it right away. reliable, loose fitting, but innacurate.
Answer by rotorhead
It is the most widely used assault rifle in the world. It is “Legendary” because it is cheap, doesn’t jam (you can pull it out of a pile of sand and it will still fire). People say it sucks because it doesn’t have great range, stopping power, or accuracy. Overall its a relatively good weapon though.
Answer by Thank You
It has great hitting power/never jams however its old school, too old school for me because when i buy a weapon for myself at least my next one im getting a new caliber and new rifle for my money. Its freaking 2009 the AK-101 is out now and many others like the G36, the AK-47 is going the way of the dinosaurs at least in technology.
Answer by Sir Studley Smugley
First of all, there are tens of millions of them out there; they’re really cheap.
They’re easy to maintain, they can be field-stripped and cleaned in a matter of minutes, and they never jam. They have good stopping power at close range.
They’re not very accurate though.
Any militia or third-rate paramilitary uses them because they’re so cheap – any film footage you see of rebels are showing them with AKs. That’s why they’re “legendary.”
Answer by epicninja_codester
The thing is, as a gun, it really does suck. It’s very heavy (which matters when you carry it for miles) and inaccurate. However, there are good parts, and every single one is economical.
This gun was so mass produced by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, that nearly every 3rd world country has a million of them. They are cheap, they have interchangeable parts, and they can take a lot of abuse from their owner. That is why it is so well known.
I’d like to point out though that in the real world (not first person shooters, those are games, not reality) all countries with real military power like Russia, USA, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, Canada, etc all have different weapons than the AK-47. The best gun on the market right now is the British SA80 L85A1.
Basically, the AK is cheap, therefore it is popular.
Answer by Lee
The AK-47 is a famous weapon because it changed the face of infantry close-combat. It was developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the 1940s, and largely copied off a German design (STG-44). Prior to the AK-47, the Soviet Army was issuing bolt-action rifles like the Mosin-Nagant (you fire a shot, then work the bolt to chamber another cartridge) or semi-automatic weapons like the SKS (you fire a shot every time you pull the trigger).
The AK-47 provided every infantryman with a very powerful automatic weapon. While the benefits of automatic fire are questionable (automatic fire is not very accurate), the AK-47 fires 7.62mm cartridges, which are really heavy rounds. By comparison, American soldiers equipped with M16A4 rifles are firing 5.56mm, which is a far lighter round.
The AK is also incredibly cheap. It can be made easily from stamped machine parts, and as a result was copied by other countries (e.g. China) and mass-produced. It is notoriously hard to jam, and takes quite a beating. You don’t have to clean it nearly as much as the fickle M16 system. Also, it’s spawned a whole series of new rifles based off the AK system (the Russian military has replaced the AK-47 with the AK-101). Before that there was the AKM, the AK-74, etc. etc. You get the point.
The AK is popular in games because it is so distinctive, and because it is used all over the world (mainly a function of its low cost and the Soviet tendency to sell lots of arms). People who say is sucks are usually just idiot gamers who have never fired a real weapon, or people who are referring to its inaccuracy. Marines armed with M16A4 rifles can engage targets at over 500 yards away with iron sights. Try doing that with an AK47…
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